Learning maths using an individual AI learning assistant
The artificial intelligence (AI) semantha® from the Karlsruhe-based company thingsTHINKING, the sought-after YouTube star and maths “rock star” Daniel Jung from Cologne and the Institute for Applied Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) at Stuttgart Media University are revolutionising individual learning with a unique AI learning assistant.
The Corona era and the resulting homeschooling have once again brought the urgency of digital education to the fore. Education is the key to the future, which is why Daniel Jung and his team are pursuing one goal: contemporary access to education must be possible for everyone, so that everyone can achieve everything – regardless of social background!
Individual learning: anywhere and anytime
Learning with videos cannot be individualised without the support of human tutors. Answering specific questions of the learner, especially building real understanding, is not possible in a targeted way during self-learning phases. Up to now, learners have only had the possibility to find videos on their searched topic on various platforms by means of keyword searches. The use of semantic AI makes it possible to provide content for learners in such a way that questions are answered concretely and the necessary background knowledge is provided.
The revolution in learning: AIEDN
In future, learners should ask their questions in a chat. Concrete knowledge of the subject matter or an exactly matching search query are not necessary. The AI used, called semantha®, understands the question at the level of meaning and refers directly to the appropriate video explanation(s) – incl. further information, discussion bases, etc. We call this: AI-Education (AIEDN). Within the framework of the joint research project, learners from schools and universities will be scientifically tested to see whether the desired added values occur, e.g. increased learning effectiveness and optimisation of learning time.
The project is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labour and Tourism as part of the Invest BW programme.

About Daniel Jung
Daniel Jung was born in Remscheid in 1981 and had an enthusiasm for the subject of education – especially mathematics – from an early age. During his studies of mathematics and sports, Daniel founded his first company. He imparted knowledge via tutoring and gave tennis training at the same time. During his studies, he came across the YouTube videos of American professors who made their complete lectures available to everyone. He learned much better and faster from the online videos than from the lectures of his own mathematics professors. This prompted him to try the same thing in German. He solved a pain that many learners feel with the help of his “Nugget Learning Methodology”. He now reaches millions of people through his social media channels and manages to make complicated mathematical content understandable to anyone, anytime.
“I am committed to the democratisation of education, and wish for a world where every child has the same educational opportunities.”
About thingsTHINKING
The AI semantha® is the result of over 14 years of research in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), which culminated in the founding of thingsTHINKING GmbH in 2017. Their groundbreaking success is evidenced by awards such as the “CODE_n Award – Industry Disruptor”, being named one of the “100 Places for Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg” and also the description of thingsTHINKING as a “Brain with Artificial Intelligence” by the renowned FORBES magazine. Most recently, thingsTHINKING and its AI solution semantha® were named “AI Champion Baden-Württemberg” by the state of Baden-Württemberg as a key technology of the future. For more information visit: www.semantha.de
Institute for Applied Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) at Stuttgart Media University
The Stuttgart Media University (HdM) is a state university and trains specialists in all aspects of media. Almost 5,500 students are currently enrolled at the university. The Institute for Applied Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) bundles the AI competence of the HdM. The aim of the institute is to bring cutting-edge AI research into application by forming the interface between research, companies and society. In addition to teaching artificial intelligence at the Hochschule der Medien, the IAAI offers continuing education opportunities for companies and pursues numerous application-oriented AI research projects. More information on ai.hdm-stuttgart.de